Reddify is a Command Line Application that Creates and Updates a Spotify Playlist from Youtube URLs Submitted to a Music Subreddit.
As per Spotipy "You will need to register your app at My Dashboard to get the credentials necessary to make authorized calls (a client id and client secret)"
Once registered, make sure to set the following enviormental variables like so one at a time:
SETX SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID 'your-spotify-client-id'
SETX SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET 'your-spotify-client-secret'
SETX SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI 'your-app-redirect-url'
Double check your enviormental variables are set, make sure to restart CMD and enter "SET" to retrieve a list:
>>> SET
Note: If no enviormental variables are detected by "SET", that could mean the above "SETX" did not work for you. If so try the following:
SET SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID='your-spotify-client-id'
SET SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET='your-spotify-client-secret'
SET SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI='your-app-redirect-url'
CLI will by default load from enviormental variable unless --load-envfile is used.
usage: [-h] [-a] [-l] [-ef]
Reddify CLI
positional arguments:
Subreddit Name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a , --after Days after. Defaults to 1.
-l , --limit Max Number of Posts to Request. Defaults to all.
-ef , --load-envfile
Load Spotify Auth/Creds From .env file.
>>> reddify powermetal -l 10
Queued > URI: spotify:track:28UMKxUrrjYqTnpPvtjMED | Track: Aldious - Sweet Temptation - Live ver.
Queued > URI: spotify:track:74rWh6RlUV4pCHBVapIshX | Track: Theocracy - Easter
Queued > URI: spotify:track:3aKimOh0tmxuO43PC70GII | Track: Grailknights - Cthulhu
Queued > URI: spotify:track:6MKcVvnFB1iUIdJmjAry6i | Track: Helloween - Juggernaut
Queued > URI: spotify:track:1ge8Ots6ASC1va7kx348LJ | Track: Blind Guardian - Sadly Sings Destiny - Remastered 2017
Finished > Runtime: 4.3693469 | # Tracks Added: 5
from pyreddify import SpotifyPlaylist
playlist = SpotifyPlaylist(
envfile = 'you-env-file'
playlist = SpotifyPlaylist()
from pyreddify import SpotifyPlaylist
playlist = SpotifyPlaylist()
for submission in playlist.get_subreddit_submissions('metalcore', limit=15, after=2):
song = playlist.get_track(submission.title)
if song: