1.40.1 build 202
Known problems
- Peripheral view cannot write to non-32bit registers (VSC-408)
Corrected problems
- Progress bars are sometimes not closed when a debug session fails to start. (VSC-461, resolved 2024-06-18)
- Debug sessions do not properly exit when encountering a fatal error. (VSC-460, resolved 2024-06-18)
New features
- You can now select a breakpoint’s type by right clicking it, selecting Edit breakpoint… and using the Mode dropdown. Additionally, several new breakpoint types have been added, including Trace Start/Stop/Filter, Flash and Timer Start/Stop. (VSC-445, resolved 2024-11-08)
- Logpoint messages now support interpolating expressions that are placed within curly braces ’{}'. (VSC-456, resolved 2024-11-07)
- This release adds a number of familiar windows from Embedded Workbench. This includes Live Watch, Trace, Profiling and more. (VSC-320, resolved 2024-10-31)
- You can now right click variables in the ‘variables’ view to change the format they are displayed in. (VSC-322, resolved 2024-10-29)
- With the IAR Build extension installed, you can now omit some fields from your launch.json configuration, such as the driver or driverOptions. When doing so, the omitted fields are automatically filled in from the project and projectConfiguration specified in the launch.json configuration. (VSC-452, resolved 2024-10-21)