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What I am presenting to you is a version of the immortal John Coltrane classic Giant Steps, written entirely using Ruby code.
I'm sure you are thinking 'hold on a minute! It's not possible to write music in Ruby.' Well you are half right. I actually used the code based music creation tool Sonic Pi.
Created by Sam Aaron, Sonic Pi uses the Ruby language to allow users to create music and even perform live.
In my code, I defined 2 methods that dealt with the notes of the music. The first method was 'note_play'. 'note_play' takes 2 arguments that determine the pitch and the length of the note. The second method is 'rest'. 'rest' takes 1 argument that determines the length of rests
In order to keep my code as clean as I could, I divided the melody, bass and harmony into their own separate methods and called them at the end. If I had not done this, my code would have been much messier and more difficult to write. I would have had to take all notes into account all at once with would have caused me a lot of confusion.