This code uses demographic filtering and content filtering to recommend movies on the web page. Flask API is used to deploy model on website.
Kaggle Link for Dataset -
Required CSV files in dataset are:- credits.csv, keywords.csv, links.csv, links_small.csv, movies_metadata.csv, ratings_small.csv
To run this code, atleast 4GB RAM and Intel i3 processor is required.
Requires Python3 and pip installed.
Run following commands in terminal or CMD to install dependencies:
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
pip install matplotlib
pip install scipy
pip install ast
pip install sklearn
pip install nltk
pip install flask
pip install warnings
Other Technologies used:- HTML, CSS, BootStrap, Flask
- Download and extract the dataset from kaggle.
- Place csv files in project folder.
- Open Terminal or CMD in the project directory and run following command:
- Open the provided link in browser.