This is inspired by Flutter simplified list clauses and methods. With those simplifications in flutter, EasyList was born, to make list easy in java.
Extra List Clauses
- .any(): Returns true or false if condition is met.
- .where(): Returns a list of items where condition is met.
- .firstOrNull(): Returns the first item in the list where the condition is met.
- .lastOrNull(): Returns the last item in the list where the condition is met.
- .getFirst(): Returns the first item in the list.
- .setFirst(): Sets the first item in the list with given value.
- .getLast(): Returns the last item in the list.
- .setLast(): Sets the last item in the list with given value.
- .setLength(): Sets the length of the list with given length.
- .reversed(): Returns a reversed value in the list.
- .indexWhere(): Returns the index where condition is met.
- .lastIndexWhere(): Returns the last index where condition is met.
- .insert(): Adds item to the list.
- .removeWhere(): Removes an item where condition is met.
- .getRange(): Gets the range of items in the list with the start and end values.
- .setRange(): Sets the range of items in the list with the start and end values.
- .removeRange(): Removes the list of items within the start and end values.
- .fillWithItem(): Fills the list with the item with a start and end.
Support for Normal Java List Clauses.
EasyList works with the ideology of list in flutter. The concept is built on flutter list clauses and methods that makes it easy to render, access and implement lists.
EasyList is in BETA mode. This is the first dependency I have created and I plan on maintaining it. Also, this depends on flutter list ideology.
Enjoy the usage of EasyList.
Import EasyList to your dependency with the following.
To use EasyList, just call it with any class, model, data types, just like other lists.
EasyList<String> easyList = new EasyList<>();
boolean hasFood = easyList.any(str -> str.equals("Food"));
String book = easyList.firstOrNull(str -> str.equals("Book"));
List<String> newList = easyList.reversed();
try {
var easyListRange = easyList.getRange(10, 15);
} catch (EasyListException e) {
The easy list repository can be accessed here 1.
* Add an item to the list.
public void add(E item);
* Check if the list is empty.
* @return True of False.
public boolean isEmpty();
* Operator [] (getter) Gets a value with its index.
* @param index The Index of a particular item in the list
* @return Index
public E get(int index) throws EasyListException;
* Operator [] (setter) Sets a particular index with the new value.
* @param index The Index of the particular item in the list.
* @param value Value to be changed.
public void set(int index, E value) throws EasyListException;
* Get the first item in the list.
* @return Item.
public E getFirst() throws EasyListException;
* Sets the first item of the list to the value passed.
* @param value Item to be set.
public void setFirst(E value) throws EasyListException;
* Get the last item in the list.
* @return Item.
public E getLast() throws EasyListException;
* Set the last item in the list.
* @param value Item to set.
public void setLast(E value) throws EasyListException;
* Length of the List.
* @return Integer... amount.
public int length();
* Sets the list to the amount of length passed.
* @param newLength Length to be set.
public void setLength(int newLength) throws EasyListException;
* Adds a list of items to the list.
* @param newList Items to be added
public void addAll(List<E> newList);
* Gets the reverse of the list.
* @return A reversed list.
public List<E> reversed();
* Gets the index of the item.
* @param element Item to get the index.
* @return Integer.
public int indexOf(E element);
* Get the index where the condition is met.
* @param predicate Condition to be met.
* @return Integer.
public List<Integer> indexWhere(Predicate<? super E> predicate);
* Get the first index where the condition is met.
* @param predicate Condition to be met.
* @return Integer.
public int firstIndexWhere(Predicate<? super E> predicate) throws EasyListException;
* Gets the last index where the condition is met.
* @param predicate Conditions to be met.
* @return Integer.
public int lastIndexWhere(Predicate<? super E> predicate) throws EasyListException;
* Get the last index of the item in the list.
* @param element Item to get.
* @return Integer.
public int lastIndexOf(E element);
* Insert an item to the list with the index and item
* @param index Index where the item should be.
* @param element Item to be inserted.
public void insert(int index, E element) throws EasyListException;
* Insert items to the list.
* @param index Index where the item should be added.
* @param elements Items to be added.
public void insertAll(int index, List<E> elements) throws EasyListException;
* Set the list to new items added.
* @param index Index to start from.
* @param elements Items to be set.
public void setAll(int index, List<E> elements) throws EasyListException;
* Remove an item from the list
* @param value Item to be removed.
* @return True, if it is removed.
public boolean remove(E value);
* Remove item from its index.
* @param index The index of the item.
* @return Item removed.
public E removeAt(int index) throws EasyListException;
* Remove the last item in the list
* @return Item removed.
public E removeLast() throws EasyListException;
* Remove item where the condition is met.
* @param predicate Condition to check.
public E removeWhere(Predicate<? super E> predicate) throws EasyListException;
* Retain item where condition is met.
* @param predicate Condition to meet.
public void retainWhere(Predicate<? super E> predicate);
// operator +
public List<E> operatorPlus(List<E> other);
* Gets a sublist of the list.
* @param start Which index to start.
* @param end Where to stop.
* @return New List
public List<E> sublist(int start, int end) throws EasyListException;
* Gets the range of the items required.
* @param start Where to start.
* @param end Where to stop.
* @return New List.
public List<E> getRange(int start, int end) throws EasyListException;
* Set
* @param start Integer start
* @param end Integer end
* @param elements Items to add
public void setRange(int start, int end, List<E> elements) throws EasyListException;
* Remove the range from the list.
* @param start Where to start.
* @param end Where to end.
public void removeRange(int start, int end) throws EasyListException;
* Apply a condition to each item in the list and return true if any item satisfies the condition.
* @param condition The condition to be met.
* @return True or False.
public boolean any(Predicate<E> condition);
* Filter the list based on a condition and return a new list.
* @param condition The condition to be met.
* @return A new List
public List<E> where(Predicate<E> condition);
* Get the first item that satisfies the condition, or null if none is found.
* @param condition The condition to be met.
* @return First item in the list that met the condition.
public E firstOrNull(Predicate<E> condition);
* Get the last item that satisfies the condition, or null if none is found.
* @param condition The condition to be met.
* @return The last item in the list that met the condition.
public E lastOrNull(Predicate<E> condition);
* Clear the list.
public void clear();
* Fill the list with an item.
* @param value Item to fill with.
* @param start Where to start.
* @param end Where to end.
public void fillWithItem(E value, int start, int end) throws EasyListException;
* Convert List to String.
* @return String
public String toListString();
- (Optional) Open a followup issue.
- Add .any() method.
- Add .anyWhere() method.
- Add .isNotNull() method.
- Add delight to the experience when all tasks are complete