This Hello Text demo application shows how an iOS sender application can send and receive text messages. For simplicity this app is not fully compliant with the UX Checklist.
- CocoaPods - dependencies are managed via CocoaPods. See for setup instructions.
- Alternatively, you may download the iOS Sender API Library directly at
- Get a Chromecast device and get it set up for development:
- Run
pod install
in the CastHelloText-ios directory - Open the .xcworkspace file rather the the xcproject to ensure you have the pod dependencies.
- Get a Chromecast device and get it set up for development:
- Setup the project dependencies in xCode
- For each target you want to build, under "Build Settings", add "-ObjC" to "Other Linker Flags"
- For each target you want to build, under "Build Phases", add the following entries to "Link Binary With Libraries":
- libc++.dylib
- Accelerate.framework
- AudioToolbox.framework
- AVFoundation.framework
- CoreBluetooth.framework
- MediaPlayer.framework
Google Cast iOS Sender Overview:
- Cast APIs:
- Google Cast Design Checklist
- If you find any issues, please open a bug here on GitHub
- Question are answered on StackOverflow
Please read and follow the steps in the
Your use of this sample is subject to, and by using or downloading the sample files you agree to comply with, the Google APIs Terms of Service and the Google Cast SDK Additional Developer Terms of Service.
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