BigBlueButton mobile application for tablets - sample implementation.
More details in
To build this application in linux, you need to run:
# Instal Android SDK
sudo apt install android-sdk
# In one terminal, start metro:
npx react-native start
# In other terminal, run the app:
npx react-native run-android
To build this application in mac, you need to run:
# Install cocoapods gem
sudo gem install cocoapods
# Install dependencies
# Install pods
cd ios && pod install && cd -
# Option 1 - Run simulator and metro in one command
yarn ios
# Option 2 - Two commands approach:
## In one terminal, start metro:
## npx react-native start
## In other terminal, run the app:
## npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 13"
To run this application in a real ios device, you need to run:
#Install package
npm install -g ios-deploy
npx react-native run-ios --device "iPhone de TDJ"
To run a release version of this application in a real ios device, you need to run:
npx react-native run-ios --configuration Release --device "iPhone de TDJ"
To change native code, you can run this command:
open ios/BigBlueButton.xcworkspace