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CAP (Culvert Analysis Program)

CAP is a program that can be used to develop stage-discharge relationships for culverts and to determine peak discharge through culverts from high-water marks.

This file describes a Windows version of CAP that has source code that can be compiled with a Visual Studio solution that is generated by CMake. The Windows version of CAP runs in a command window and does not have a graphical user interface (GUI).

CAP (version 2021) will be included as a pre-compiled solver beginning in version 4 of the International River Interface Cooperative (iRIC) numerical simulation platform available at The iRIC platform provides a front-end GUI to facilitate creating the inputs for CAP.


A. Documentation
B. Compiling the Windows standalone version of CAP
C. Running CAP
D. Test files
E. Suggested citation
F. Acknowledgements
G. Contacts

A. Documentation

The following user guide is available in electronic format. A Portable Document Format (PDF) file is included in the doc subdirectory of the CAP program distribution.

Fulford, J.M., 1998, User's guide to the U.S. Geological Survey Culvert Analysis Program, Version 97-08: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4166, 70 p. (

Notes about CAP version 2021 and a summary of errors resolved in this version (including notes on capabilities added in version 2021) are also included in the doc subdirectory of the CAP program distribution.

The following report provides details on the methods used in the CAP program.

Bodhaine, G.L., 1968, Measurement of peak discharges at culverts by indirect methods: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, book 3, chap. A3, 60 p., (

B. Compiling the Windows standalone version of CAP

In general, to compile CAP, you will need:

  1. CMake (build process manager)
  2. a FORTRAN compiler,
  3. familiarity with the compiler and the Windows operating system.

B.1. Download and install CMake

CMake can be downloaded from If you download the binary distribution installer, CMake is installed when you execute it.

B.2. Unzip the source code distribution file

The directory cap-2021.0.0 is created when the files are extracted; if this directory already exists, you may want to delete or rename it before extracting the files.

The following directory structure is created (the contents of each directory are shown to the right):


--data        Sample input and output data files
--doc         Documentation files 
--solverdef   PNG files used when compling for iRIC
--src         Source code

B.3. Generate a Visual Studio solution

CMake has many options other than Visual Studio, but here we assume that you are using some version of Visual Studio. On the first use of CMake, it may be necessary to close all Visual Studio instances.

Open CMake. Fill in the top two lines:

  1. Where is the source code: The top level directory (ie cap-2021.0.0).
  2. Where to build the binaries: A directory of your choosing.

Click Configure. From the pulldown menu of the cmake-gui popup, select the 64-bit version of Visual Studio installed on your computer. There typically is no need to change the default configuration.

Click Generate. You should now have a Visual Studio solution file (.sln) in the directory chosen for the binaries (second line of CMake screen). At any point, you can delete the contents of the directory and start over. You can make solutions for different versions of Visual Studio, or different options in other directories.

B.4. Compile and install CAP

Open the Visual Studio solution in the build directory defined in CMake.

The default configuration is "Debug". If you want to create a standalone (executable, change the configuration to "Release".


CAP is compiled.

C. Running CAP

If CAP has been installed in a directory included in the users' PATH, the program can be executed from a command line as follows:


The program will query for each of the needed inputs.

If CAP is not located in a directory in PATH, the executable may be copied to the current directory. In addition, it is usually most convenient to copy the input file(s) into the same directory as the CAP executable. That way, path names will not be required when specifying the input file name(s).

D. Test files

The tests are described in the table below, where 'test' is the test number and the 'usage' column indicates how a file is used, with 'i' for input and 'o' for output.

test  description of test and files                 file name & usage
----  -----------------------------------------     -----------------
  1   Mercer Creek culvert example

      CAP input data                                 mercer.dat     i
      Program output                                 mercer.out     o

  2   Pigeon House Creek culvert example

      CAP input data                                 pigeon.dat     i
      Program output                                 pigeon.out     o

  3   TWRI creek culvert example based on examples 3 and 5 in USGS Techniques 
      of Water-Resources Investigations (TWRI), book 3, chapter A3

      CAP input data                                 cultwri.dat    i
      Program output                                 cultwri.out    o

  4   TWRI concrete pipe culvert example based on TWRI example 8; metric units 
      and *C records used for culvert computations

      CAP input data                                 twri8.dat      i
      Program output                                 twri8.out      o

  5   Vertical elliptical culvert section example

      CAP input data                                 vellip.dat     i
      Program output                                 vellip.out     o

  6   Vertical elliptical culvert section example using *CS records

      CAP input data                                 vellipcs.dat   i
      Program output                                 vellipcs.out   o

E. Suggested citation

Fulford, J.M. and Koltun, G.F., 2022, Culvert Analysis Program - Version 2021, U.S. Geological Survey software release,

F. Acknowledgements

Mark Smith (U.S. Geological Survey Scientist Emeritus) spearheaded the effort to update CAP, including organizing and overseeing the effort to identify known errors/issues with the previous version of CAP and providing valuable input on and review of revisions. Scott Charlton (U.S. Geological Survey) and Keisuke Inoue (Mizuho Instrumentation and Research) contributed some code used in CAP, primarily to provide the interface between CAP and the iRIC numerical simulation platform.

G. Contacts

Inquiries about this software distribution should be directed to:

e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]


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