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Hyperweb Boilerplate

Welcome to Hyperweb, the blockchain for JavaScript smart contracts. Hyperweb enables developers to write decentralized applications (dApps) using TypeScript, designed for cross-chain compatibility and ease of development.

Table of Contents


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone


Repository overview

  • src/: Contains source code for each contract, with each sub-directory as a separate contract.
    • simple-state: A simple contract to demonstrate state transitions.
    • amm-contract: An automated market maker contract using the Bank module.
  • scripts/: Holds the build script to create contract bundles.
  • __tests__/: Includes test cases to validate contract functionality.
  • dist/: Output folder for bundled contracts ready for deployment.


Bundle Contracts

  1. Clean previous builds:
yarn clean
  1. Build contracts:
yarn build

This bundles the contracts from src/** into dist/contracts/.

Infrastructure Setup

Option 1: Using Starship

Starship is a Kubernetes-based blockchain orchestrator. It sets up a local blockchain environment with full cross-chain compatibility.

Enable Kubernetes in Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop includes a standalone Kubernetes server and client, as well as Docker CLI integration that runs on your machine. To enable Kubernetes in Docker Desktop:

  1. From the Docker Dashboard, select the Settings.
  2. Select Kubernetes from the left sidebar.
  3. Next to Enable Kubernetes, select the checkbox.
  4. Select Apply & Restart to save the settings and then click Install to confirm.

Install kubectl and helm.

yarn starship install  ## and follow steps to install kubectl and helm

Start Starship

yarn starship start

Spins up a local blockchain using configs/local.yaml. Wait for Starship to initialize.

For more details, refer to the Starship Docs.

Option 2: Using Docker

Alternatively, Hyperweb can be run using Docker, which simplifies setup and enables you to interact with the blockchain without requiring Kubernetes.

Run Hyperweb with Docker

To spin up the chain using Docker, the following scripts are available in the package.json:

  • Run Docker container:

    yarn docker
  • Stop and remove the container:

    yarn docker:stop

Interact with chain

This will set up the same chain environment that Starship provides, allowing you to interact with the chain using the same endpoints:

Once the chain is running, you can follow the same steps to interact with the chain and run tests as detailed below.

Run Tests

Once the setup it complete, you can run tests to validate the contract functionality. Run tests:

yarn test

The test suite deploys the contracts, interacts with them, and validates state transitions. The tests are located in __tests__/.


Creating JSD Client

Once the contract is bundled, you need to create a client using hyperwebjs to interact with the Hyperweb chain.

Example setup to create a hyperwebjs client:

import { getSigningJsdClient, jsd } from 'hyperwebjs';

async function setupClient() {
  const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic("your-mnemonic");
  const rpcEndpoint = "your-rpc-endpoint";

  const signingClient = await getSigningJsdClient({
    signer: wallet

  return signingClient;

Deploying and Interacting with the Contract

To deploy and instantiate the contract on the Hyperweb blockchain, read the bundled contract file and use the hyperwebjs client to broadcast it to the chain.

Example deployment process:

import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';

async function deployContract(signingClient, address) {
  const contractCode = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../dist/contracts/bundle1.js'), 'utf8');

  const msg = jsd.jsd.MessageComposer.fromPartial.instantiate({
    creator: address,
    code: contractCode,

  const fee = { amount: [{ denom: 'token', amount: '100000' }], gas: '550000' };

  const result = await signingClient.signAndBroadcast(address, [msg], fee);
  console.log('Contract deployed:', result);

Instantiating a Contract

To instantiate the contract, use the instantiate method of the hyperwebjs client. The contract index will be returned, which is used to interact with the contract.

const contractCode = fs.readFileSync('dist/contracts/bundle1.js', 'utf8');
const result = await signingClient.signAndBroadcast(address, [
    creator: address,
    code: contractCode,
], fee);

const contractIndex = jsd.jsd.MsgInstantiateResponse.fromProtoMsg(result.msgResponses[0]).index;
console.log('Contract instantiated with index:', contractIndex);

Interacting with the Contract

Once the contract is instantiated, you can invoke functions like inc, dec, or read to interact with it.

Example to increment a value:

const msg = jsd.jsd.MessageComposer.fromPartial.eval({
  creator: address,
  index: contractIndex,
  fnName: "inc",
  arg: JSON.stringify({ x: 10 }),

const result = await signingClient.signAndBroadcast(address, [msg], fee);
console.log('Increment result:', result);

Evaluating Functions on the Contract

To evaluate functions like inc, dec, or any other function within the contract, you can use the eval message type.

Example to decrement a value:

const msg = jsd.jsd.MessageComposer.fromPartial.eval({
  creator: address,
  index: contractIndex,
  fnName: "dec",
  arg: JSON.stringify({ x: 5 }),

const result = await signingClient.signAndBroadcast(address, [msg], fee);
console.log('Decrement result:', result);

Reading Contract State

You can query the state of the contract by using the read function.

Example to read the contract state:

const state = await queryClient.jsd.jsd.localState({ index: contractIndex, key: 'value' });
console.log('Contract state:', state);


For local development, you can run the tests provided in the __tests__/ folder to validate contract functionality using starshipjs to simulate chain interactions.


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