Useful ssh connect tool in pentest work especially when internal pentest working,It can use input ssh connect info and command in one row command ,then execute the command at target system
# SSHPASSWD | Author:huy4ng #
Useage Example:
User username and password to connect SSH and execute command
./sshpasswd -ip= -port=22 -u=root -p=root -c=id
User username and password to connect SSH and execute command in an interactive method
./sshpasswd -ip= -port=22 -u=root -p=root
User username and private key to connect SSH and execute command
./sshpasswd -ip= -port=22 -u=root -k=key.pem -c=id
User username and private key to connect SSH and execute command in an interactive method
./sshpasswd -ip= -port=22 -u=root -k=key.pem
User username and encryptedprivate key to connect SSH and execute command
./sshpasswd -ip= -port=22 -u=root -k=key.pem -p=123456 -c=id
User username and encrypted private key to connect SSH and execute command in an interactive method
./sshpasswd -ip= -port=22 -u=root -k=key.pem -p=123456