A simple experiment with native node modules to download files from the web, using an approach close to axel downloader accelerator.
- I do not want to mantain this project any further;
- This is just a test, if you want to continue it, fork-it, rename-it and go ahead :)
- Buy me a beer if you find it useful, lol.
- ETA still looks like copying files in Windoze XP;
- The downloader won't work with proxy (afaik);
- The downloader doesn't support resuming, unlike axel;
- If any part of the downloader stops, kaputz to all;
- You may find others since this code is a little bit old (mid 2012).
a simple example would be the one inside example folder:
var Downloader = require('../lib/downloader');
var options = {
url : 'http://fedora.c3sl.ufpr.br/linux/releases/17/Live/x86_64/Fedora-17-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso',
concurrency : 4,
refresh : 1000
var download = new Downloader(options);
download.on('progress', function(percent, eta, bps) {
console.log((percent*100).toFixed(2), '% completed, ETA', eta.toFixed(0), 'seconds', bps.toFixed(0), 'bytes per second');
download.on('finish', function() {
console.log('download completed');