To be able to run the ICNDB application a Deployment
is required running the pre-built container image baez90/jericho-victim based on the source code on GitHub.
The application needs a PostgreSQL database as you can see in the shipped Docker-Compose files.
- Prepare the
for the application- ICNDB container
- PostgreSQL container
- Environment variables corresonding to the Docker-Compose files
- Prepare the
adapting the container port from your deployment - Prepare the
- Validate your templates by calling
helm lint
- Check the generated YAML files by calling
helm template
- Deploy your chart to a Kubernetes
In the first part every instance (pod) of the ICNDB ships with it's own PostgreSQL. That's kinda overhead so it seems to be a good idea to reduce the overhead by declaring a dependency to the public PosgreSQL chart.
- Create a
- Delcare a dependency to the official PostgreSQL chart
- Use
helm dependency
to manage the dependencies - Check how to delegate values from the parent to the child chart
- Upgrade your deployment to the new version based on a dependendant chart