A Simple Rate Limiter for Oak Server on Deno inspired by express-rate-limit. It's currently under development and if you'd like to contribute, feel free to make a PR!
- Custom Cache Stores Support. Currently using Map by default (more coming soon).
- Timestamp Comparisons instead of Intervals for Efficiency.
- Custom handlers, window duration, max requests, status code, and error message support.
import { RateLimiter } from "https://deno.land/x/oak_rate_limit/mod.ts";
const rateLimit = RateLimiter({
store: STORE, // Using MapStore by default.
windowMs: 1000, // Window for the requests that can be made in miliseconds.
max: 10, // Max requests within the predefined window.
headers: true, // Default true, it will add the headers X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining.
message: "Too many requests, please try again later.", // Default message if rate limit reached.
statusCode: 429, // Default status code if rate limit reached.
app.use(await rateLimit);
onRateLimit(opt, ctx, next)
Define a custom method to handle when the rate limit has been reached. The default implementation will send a 429 status code and the message defined in the message option.
Define a custom method to skip/whitelist the rate limit. The default implementation will return false.