A Joomla! System-Plugin to redirect none SEF URLs generated by pitty components to SEF URLs.
- Format urls by using ContentHelperRoute
- Redierct by using JApplication redirect
- Option to exclude Ids from redirect (Helpfull if bad components handles with none SEF content URLs, like Chronoform in Article view)
Joomla 3.8 +
PHP 5.6.13 or newer is recommended.
DD_ stands for Didldu a.k.a | HR-IT-Solutions GmbH (Brand recognition)
It is a namespace prefix, provided to avoid element name conflicts.
Author: HR-IT-Solutions GmbH Florian Häusler https://www.hr-it-solution.com
Author: Ankit Kumar Jagetia
Copyright: (C) 2018 - 2018 HR-IT-Solutions GmbH
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPLv2 only