Faster R-CNN:Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks
- the convolutional feature maps used by region-based detectors can also be used for generating region proposal.
- the system consist of two modules: a FCN for proposing regions and the Fast R-CNN detector
- shared conv layer(feature extractor), share computation
- Region Proposal Network (RPN)
- input: any size of image, output: a set of rectangular object proposals, each with an objectness score.
- after the shared conv layers, to generate region proposal, slide a small network over the feature map. Each sliding window is mapped to a lower-dimensional feature; two fully-connected layers both use the lower-dimensioanl feature to do box-regression and box-classification separately.
- Anchors
- novel way to address multiple scales, can use features from single-scale image, no extra cost
- for each sliding-window location, k proposals of different scales and aspect ratios
- translation invariant
- unified with Fast R-CNN, 4-step alternating training
- during training, alternates between fine-tuning for region proposal ans fine-tuning for object detection
- Mask R-CNN = Faster-RCNN + FCN on RoIs (parallel heads)
- decouple mask and class prediction
- for each RoI, the mask branch has Km^2 dimensional(m×m resolution masks for K classes) output, no competetion among classes
- per-pixel sigmoid and binary loss rather than per-pixel softmax and multinominal cross-entropy loss
- for RoI with ground-truth class k, only k-th mask will contribute the mask loss
- RoIAlign
- Compared to RoIPool(not designed for segemrntaion but object detection so have misalignment), no quantization
semantic segmentation + instance segmentation
- semantic segmentation:
- assign class label to each pixel, no need to disinguish instance within the same class
- recognize stuff, amorphous and uncountable regions of similar texture like grass, sky, road
- instance segmentation:
- detect things, countable objects like pedestrian, bicycle
- panoptic segmentation:
- assign each pixel a semantic label and an instance id;
- for stuffs, the instance id is ignored (will belong to the same instance)
- no overlap predictions are possible
- semantic segmentation:
panoptic quality(PQ) metric
- segment matching
- match only if the intersection over union (IoU) is strictly greater than 0.5
- at most 1 predicted segment can be matched with each GT segment (non-overlapping)
- PQ computation
- calculate for each class independently and average over classes
- all segments receive equal importance regardless of their area
- can be seens as multiplication of a segmentation quality(SQ) and a recognition quality(RQ)
- no evaluation on void labels(out of class pixels, ambiguous/unknown pixels)
- segment matching