This project deals with an implementation of the basic functionality of the Modbus TCP and UDP based protocol using PHP. It's a copy of the releases from the project page over at Google Code with composer support added.
- Modbus master
- FC1 - Read coils
- FC2 - Read input discretes
- FC3 - Read holding registers
- FC4 - Read holding input registers
- FC5 - Write single coil
- FC6 - Write single register
- FC15 - Write multiple coils
- FC16 - Write multiple registers
- FC23 - Read/Write multiple registers
// Modbus master UDP
$modbus = new ModbusMaster("", "UDP");
// Read multiple registers
try {
$recData = $modbus->readMultipleRegisters(0, 12288, 5);
catch (Exception $e) {
// Print error information if any
echo $modbus;
echo $e;
// Print data in string format
echo PhpType::bytes2string($recData);
For more see documentation or FAQ.