This is a reporting analysis application written in python and used to extract informations from the postgresql database, information could be extracted from the database are:
- The top 3 popular articles based on the number of views the articles got
- The rank of the authors based on the number of views their articles got
- The dates on which more than 1% of the request leads to an error
First create views (listed at the end of the file) in the database Then in the command line of Linuc or Mac run: python
Here list the top 3 popular articles from the database:
Candidate is jerk, alleges rival -- 338647 views
Bears love berries, alleges bear -- 253801 views
Bad things gone, say good people -- 170098 views
Here list the author rank from the database:
Ursula La Multa -- 507594 views
Rudolf von Treppenwitz -- 423457 views
Anonymous Contributor -- 170098 views
Markoff Chaney -- 84557 views
Here list the dates with error more than 1% from the database:
create view top_articles as select title, count(*) as num from articles join log on ('/article/' || articles.slug = log.path) group by title order by num DESC;
create view top_authors as select, SUM(top_articles.num) as nums from articles join top_articles on articles.title = top_articles.title join authors on = group by order by nums DESC;
create view status_ok as select time::date, count(*) as num from log where status = '200 OK' group by time::date;
create view status_error as select time::date, count(*) as num from log where status != '200 OK' group by time::date;