.NET Web Api Proof Of Concept and Full Panini Device Configuration
Panini m:IDeal device is configured under Infrastructure Topology (Wi-Fi-Ethernet). Under this scenario the DHCP server of the network provides usually a fixed IP address (A DNS entry will be necesary for production environments). This is a configuration should be done by infrastructure teams.
/scan: Start scanning checks.
[HttpPost] [Route("Scan")] public IHttpActionResult Scan() { var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(_connection + "/scan"); request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.ContentLength = 0; var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); return Ok(); }
/results/micr: Retrive MICR from the server. (Only works with real checks because the wathermark)
[HttpGet] [Route("MicrResult")] public IHttpActionResult GetMicrResult() { byte[] byteResponse = new WebClient().DownloadData(_connection + "/results/micr"); using(var stream = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(byteResponse))) { var line = stream.ReadToEnd(); // -> save the file into an object } return Ok(byteResponse); }
/results/front_image: Retrieve Image bytes array.
[HttpGet] [Route("ImageResult")] public IHttpActionResult GetImageResult() { byte[] byteResponse = new WebClient().DownloadData(_connection + "/results/front_image"); //store image as bytes/bloop return Ok(byteResponse); }
/results/barcode_front: Retrieve the barcode. (Only works with real checks)
[HttpGet] [Route("BarcodeResult")] public IHttpActionResult GetBarcodeResult() { byte[] byteResponse = new WebClient().DownloadData(_connection + "/results/barcode_front"); return Ok(byteResponse); }