This is a utility which reads the measurements of a wireless thermometer service. This works with Nokeval FTR970B and compatible devices.
It can be run as a daemon and an example launchd configuration file is included.
Open apt-get file in editor:
vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/measurinator.list
deb [trusted=yes] ./
Save & run:
apt update
apt-get install nokeval-reader
Edit configs:
cd /opt/nokeval_reader
cp config.yaml.example config.yaml
vim config.yaml
Add key where it says <key here>
and client id where it says <client id here>
And start the service
systemctl start nokeval_reader
Jessie is not supported anymore. Please migrate to stretch!
Open apt-get file in editor:
vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/temperaturinator.list
deb ./
Save & run:
apt-get update
apt-get install nokeval-reader
Edit configs:
cd /opt/nokeval_reader
cp config.yaml.example config.yaml
vim config.yaml
Add key where it says <key here>
and client id where it says <client id here>
And start the service
systemctl start nokeval_reader
Ruby 1.9 or newer is required. I recommend installing RVM from After installing RVM and for example ruby 2.0, install needed gems:
gem install bundler
bundle install
Check the configuration and update as needed:
cp config.yaml.example config.yaml
vim config.yaml
Example of rest storage configuration with fail over urls:
device: "/dev/tty.usbserial-NA140098"
baud: 9600
bits: 8
stopbits: 1
type: rest_storage
key: <some uuid>
client_id: <another uuid>
buffer_file: "/opt/nokeval-reader/buffer.sqlite3"
It is important to update at least the serial device to point to the actual device that you have.
Copy daemon config and update paths and username settings:
cp com.nokeval.temperature_reader.plist.example /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.nokeval.temperature_reader.plist
vim /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.nokeval.temperature_reader.plist
Load and start the daemon. It is important to use sudo otherwise the daemon will be registered to your user account and will run only when you are logged in:
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.nokeval.temperature_reader.plist
That's it!
I am not in anyway affiliated with Nokeval Oy.