From linear regression to Bayesian kernel regression
- Focus on weight-space view (linear form), numerical approach (to the extent possible), NumPy and Matplotlib
- Fit two 1D data points with a straight line, or linear model
- Model formulation, model parameters, and matrix notation
- Matrix inverse
- Compute inverse of 2x2 matrix
- Find model parameters through matrix inverse
- Fit more 1D data points with a straight line
- Matrix transpose
- Analytical solution
- Geometric interpretation of analytical solution as projection
- Iterative numerical approach to find parameters
- Loss or cost function to describe behavior we want our model to have
- Choice of loss function (
) - Derivation of gradient of squared loss function with respect to parameters
- Gradient descent to iteratively find parameters that minimize loss function
- Compare numerical solution to analytical solution
- Gradient descent as minimizing quadratic approximation of loss function
- Extend linear regression to binary classification
- Step function for discrete output of either 1 or 0 for classification
- Sigmoid function to approximate step function
- Derivation of gradient of squared loss function for classification
- Implement binary classification of 1D data points
- Cross-entropy loss function and intuition
- Derivation of gradient of cross-entropy loss function
- Implement binary classification of 1D data points
- Implement binary classification of 2D data points with cross-entropy loss function
- Use linear model to handle nonlinearity
- Projection of input into feature space
- Global and local function behavior
- An infeasbile way of perfectly modeling local function behavior
- From exact matching to correlation
- Handle correlation with radial basis function (RBF)
- Keep linear form of the model
- Implement binary classification of 1D data points that are not linearly separable
- Extend RBF kernel method to classify 2D data points that are not linearly separable
- Uncertainty in data
- Likelihood function and essence of minimizing squared loss function
- Expression of likelihood interpreted as prediction distribution
- Prior distribution and maximum-a-posteriori estimator of parameters
- Uncertainty in model induced by posterior distribution of parameters
- Sampling from posterior distribution of parameters
- Taylor approximation (
) and Laplace's method (notes_03
) - Posterior distribution of prediction via Bayesian marginalization
- Approximate Bayesian marginalization via Monte Carlo integration
- Approximate prediction distribution for MC integration using sampling
- Implement Bayesian linear regression over 1D data points
- Extend Bayesian linear regression to Bayesian kernel regression
- Kernel function and correlation preservation
- Virtual samples through eigendecomposition (
) - Retain linear form with virtual samples for nonlinear regression
- Vector form of Taylor approximation for sampling from posterior distribution of parameters
- Correction step for prediction uncertainty (
) - Implement Bayesian kernel regression over 1D data points
- Revisit Bayesian linear regression from
- Replace Taylor approximation and Laplace's method by Metropolis algorithm (
) to sample from posterior distribution of parameters
- Revisit Bayesian kernel regression from
- Replace Taylor approximation and Laplace's method by Metropolis algorithm
- Organize and speed up Bayesian kernel regression from
- Package algorithm using Python Class
- Vectorize (
) kernel function and Monte Carlo integration in NumPy - Avoid computation of full kernel matrix for testing data points
- Use Bayesian kernel regression from
to optimize the underlying (but unknown) function that generates our data - Lower confidence bound and the balance between exploitation and exploration in optimization
- Implement Bayesian optimization to minimize a 1D function
- Extend Bayesian kernel regression from
to handle 2D data points
- Implement Bayesian optimization to minimize a 2D function, using Bayesian kernel regression from
- Need for data independent virtual samples
- Random features
- Random Fourier features (RFFs)
- Matrix notation
- Dot product of RFFs as approximation to RBF kernel function
- Nystrom method to approximate (potentially large) kernel matrix with small sub-portion
- Random sampling to construct sub-portion with eigen-structure similar to full kernel matrix
- Virtual sample based on reduced eigendecomposition of sub-portion (
- Squared loss function and influence of outliers
- Absolute value loss function is less sensitive to outliers
- Comparison of common loss functions (squared, absolute value, deadzone, Huber)
- Taylor approximation of functions with scalar input
- Taylor approximation of functions with vector input
- Sampling from a distribution
- Laplace's method for sampling based on 2nd order Taylor approximation of distribution
- Use finite difference to compute second derivatives
- Concept of eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors based on definition
- Diagonalization of a matrix using eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- Diagonalization simplifies many computations, such as power and exponential
- Kernel matrix is symmetric
- Symmetric matrices have real eigenvalues and orthonormal eigenvectors
- Equivalence between transpose and inverse for orthonormal eigenvectors
- Power iterations and Rayleigh quotient to numerically compute dominant eigenvalue and eigenvector
- Generalize power iterations to compute all eigenvalues and eigenvectors for symmetric matrices
- Transformation of data induced by RBF kernel is infinite-dimensional
- Correction of posterior prediction variance due to finite-dimensional approximation of infinite-dimensional transformation under RBF kernel
- Metropolis algorithm for sampling
- Proposal distribution to generate new sample candidates
- Acceptance rate in Metropolis
- Vectorization and broadcasting in NumPy
- Broadcasting rules
- Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo (HMC) sampling
- Euler-Lagrange equation
- Lagrangian mechanics
- Hamiltonian equations
- Leapfrog method
- HMC and Metropolis algorithm