See more projects at my profile - @henriqgoncalvs
A hiring platform for startups and the best professionals on the market.
Next.js with TypeScript - The React Framework for Production.
Chakra UI - A modular and accessible component library.
React Icons - Popular icons as React components.
TanStack Query - Hooks for powerful asynchronous state management.
Zustand - A small, fast and scalable bearbones state-management solution.
React-Hook-Forms - Performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation.
Zod - TypeScript-first schema validation.
React Testing Library for Integration Tests - A light-weight solution for testing React components.
Cypress for E2E Tests - Fast, easy and reliable web testing for any applications or components that run in a browser.
MSW with MSW Data - Mock backend by intercepting requests on the network level.
Storybook with CSF3 - A tool for building and documenting UI components and pages in isolation.
Husky with Lint Staged - Run custom scripts on Git hooks.
- Landing page with general info about the platform.
- The platform should be responsive.
- The platform should integrate with Talentuzz API
Public user:
- The user can see a list of jobs and filter.
- The user can see the details of a job.
- The user can see the details of an organization and its jobs.
- The user can apply for a public job by e-mail.
Organization admin:
- The admin can login.
- The admin can register (soon) and create its organization.
- The admin can see all the jobs of current organization.
- The admin can create/edit/delete a job.
- The admin can see the details of a job.
- The admin can see and edit the details of current organization.
- /cypress/e2e - E2E tests.
- **/src/**tests**** - Integration tests.
- /src/components - All sharable components with Storybook stories.
- /src/config/constants.ts - All project constants, mostly a "wrapper" for env variables.
- /src/layouts - Auth, Dashboard and Public layout components.
- /src/lib - Wrapper for custom configuration and use of external libraries.
- /src/providers - App provider with all system providers.
- /src/stores - Global stores.
- /src/testing - Jest config, test utils, msw configuration.
- /src/testing/mocks/db.ts - Data modeling.
- /src/testing/mocks/handlers - API endpoints interceptors.
- /src/theme - Chakra UI theme. Global, components and foundations styles.
- /src/utils - Util functions.
- /src/features - Auth, jobs, landing and organizations files.
- api - API calls and custom hooks on top TanStack Query.
- data - Information used in components and functions of the feature. (Usually a JSON)
- stores
- components
- types
- utils
- index.ts - API for the current feature, only exports what's used by external actors of the application.
- Clone or fork the repository:
[email protected]:henriqgoncalvs/talentuzz.git
- Install dependencies with your favorite package manager:
# with npm:
npm install
# with pnpm:
pnpm install
# with yarn:
yarn install
# with ultra:
ultra install
- Copy the
file in a.env
cp .env.example .env
- Run in your terminal:
# with npm:
npm run dev
# with pnpm:
pnpm run dev
# with yarn:
yarn dev
# with ultra:
ultra dev
and open http://localhost:3000 🚀.
🐲 From Henrique Gonçalves, you can find me at