my own tools for gui, math calculations and so on. If you have a linux or Macos environment, you should move the mytools directory to a directory within PYTHONPATH(you can edit it in a .bashrc or .zshrc file). If you have a windows environment, you can edit PYTHONPATH following the guide as it shows in the link: https://blog.csdn.net/Tona_ZM/article/details/79463284
It is a collection of some common used functions, I pack them into a class called MyCommon. Some functions such as setDirs, loadJson, writeJson are highly-frequent used, someone can inheritate this class if someone want to use the functions.
A simple example was displayed below:
from mytools import MyCommon
test = MyCommon()
filename = "test.txt"
data = test.loadJson(filename)
Latestly, there are 7 kinds of methods in the class. They are introduced in the following contexts.
Input: a relative or absolute path, string type
Return: None, but self.dirs is changed
The parameter self.dirs would be reset in the function
Input: a file name, string type
Return: None, but self.filename is changed
The parameter self.filename would be reset by the full path in the function.
Input: a full path of the file name, string type
Return: None, but self.filename is changed
The parameter self.filename would be reset by the full path in the function.
Input: Two dicts with dicts type
Return: a dictionary with dicts type
A dictionary with common keys as keys and the value-differences as values was returned in the function. For example:
A = {"a":10,"b":20}
B = {"a":20,"c":10}
C = self.getCommon(A,B)
# C would be {"a":10}
Input: data with dicts type, and a filename with string type
Return: None, but data was written into a file with json type
Input: a filename with string type
Return: data with dicts type
Input: data with array type, and a filename with string type
Return: None, but data was written into a file with csv format
I write some functions to manipulate matplotlib more easily since 2016.10. Several months ago, I begin to pack those functions into a class so that I can manage functions more conveniently.
Here is a simple example to use this class:
from mytools import DrawCurve
test = DrawCurve()
After running the script, you will get an image as below:
This class was based on the python module xlrd and xlwt. It is used for manipulate the excel files. Usually, wps or office excel could be very slow, if the xls file is a little bit large(such as 100M Bytes). Furthermore, when we want do a little bit advanced operations to our data, . This class would make our operations much more quick, even we do not have a good PC comfiguration.
A simple example was displayed below:
from mytools import Excel
excel = Excel()
It is a set of functions for triangle computations. In this module , you can get the radius and the center coordinate of the inscribed, escribed as well as circumscribed circles of a triangle when the coordinates of the vertices were given. Furthermore, you can get the line equations of the middle lines, orthogonal lines, middle orthogonal lines or bisection lines. There are 44 methods in this module.
A simple example was displayed below:
from mytools import Triangle
triangle = Triangle()
After running the above code, an image like this would be generated:
It is easy to use TurtlePlay, for example:
from mytools imort TurtlePlay
play = TurtlePlay()
After running the above code, you will see an animation.
Finally, we will get a figure as the following one shows:
It is easy to use TurtlePlay, for example:
from mytools imort TurtlePlay
play = TurtlePlay()
After running the above code, you will see polygons are drawn one after another.
Finally, we will get a figure as the following one shows. (Note that there is a polygon for each unit)
It is easy to use class NameAll, for example:
from mytools imort NameAll
test = NameAll()
This code is modified from a blog(https://www.cnblogs.com/nowgood/p/turtle.html#_nav_11, @ 江城青椒肉丝), I just change the code into a moduled one, it would be more easy-reading and understanding.
It is used for drawing a cut pig, you should use it with the following code:
from mytools imort DrawPig
pig = DrawPig()
Finally, you can get a cute pig as it shows below: