A solo project built with ReactJs and .Net 5 Web API. This web application imitates the design and main features of the intercity website.
.NET 5.0 SDK - comes out of the box with the latest visual studio
- Clone the repo
- Open the repo folder with the command prompt
- Download dependencies for the client:
cd intercity-react-client
InterCityClone-master\intercity-react-client> npm install
The database configuration for local sql has already been set up. The only thing needed is to run update-database
in the package manager console.
Connect the client to the local server by navigating to
Change the baseURL on line 3 to https://localhost:44366/api/
intercity-react-client> npm start
Run using IIS Express
This will open up Swagger UI (open API), and your client will be able to make requests successfully.