A device that takes a photo from a photo-resistor, hence the name, photo_resistor.
(100 points for the truly ingenious name!)
A mono-pixel camera built using a single photo-resistor, two servos and an Arduino Uno.
Of course, the output is hardly photogenic. Here's a sample:
Read my blog-post describing the build-process here:
First of all, you need to get the circuit set up. I have used a nano, but you could use any other compatible controller. I am too lazy to create a schematic diagram of the connections, so I will just list the pins-to-device mapping.
Photoresistor: A0
HC05 TX: 5
HC05 RX: 4
Servo X: 9
Servo Y: 10
Secondly, the main python script to run is
. Before you run the script do note that you need to identify the bluetooth device from you serial devices list which can be found by ll /dev/tty.*
(could be different for you) and update this value in
Note that I have tried this on MacOS Mojave, but it should work just fine on any Mac or Linux as long as you can identify the serial device correctly.
- Numpy
- Matplotlib