The goal is to implement and dockerize a web-based service leveraging FastAPI and MongoDB, then later deploy it to a Kubernetes cluster with the help of Kind.
Repo structure:
└── src
├── Dockerfile
├── requirements.txt
└── manifests
├── persistent-volume.yaml
├── mongo.yaml
├── fastapi.yaml
The manifest files can be applied by using the following command:
kubectl apply -f <FILENAME>
In this application, the manifest files are applied in the order below:
kubectl apply -f persistent-volume.yaml
kubectl apply -f mongo.yaml
kubectl apply -f fastapi.yaml
To interact with deployed services, you can use port-forwarding. For instance, to interact with the FastAPI application, you can run:
kubectl port-forward service/fast-api-service 5000:5000
similarly, to interact with the MongoDB database:
kubectl port-forward service/mongo 31048:27017