Hey, follow this step to get your neovim configure.
- Create a config directory
- In the config directory, create another directory as of mine I named it nvim.
- Do create another directory inside the nvim directory as lua.
- After you created the lua directory, create another directory in that as your name or whatever you want it to be
- Inside the lua directory you should create file name it init.lua and paste the code that I provided in this repo.
- As I assumed that you created a directory in the the lua with your name or whatever you prefer and now add lazy.lua file under that directory.
- Now, you should add two more directory under the same directory that you created lazy.lua file and call it core and plugins.
- Inside the core directory, create three lua files: initcore.lua, keymaps.lua, and options.lua
- For the plugins directory add these files:
- alpha.lua,
- auto-session.lua,
- autopairs.lua,
- bufferline.lua,
- colorscheme.lua,
- comment.lua,
- dressing.lua,
- formatting.lua,
- gitsigns.lua,
- indent-blankline.lua,
- initplugin.lua,
- lazygit.lua,
- linting.lua,
- lualie.lua,
- nvim-cmp.lua,
- nvim-tree.lua,
- substitute.lua,
- surround.lua,
- telescope.lua,
- todo-comments.lua,
- treesitter.lua,
- trouble.lua,
- vim-maximizer.lua,
- which-key.lua
Inside the plugins directory, create another directory and name it lsp. Add two files: lspconfig.lua and mason.lua.
Now the fun part, just copy and paste all the files accordingly. Goodluck!!