This is a repository with algorithms and codes for solving coding problems from various websites(including, InterviewCake, Leetcode, Programmers, Baekjoon, etc.). The purpose of this repository is purely for the sake of keeping track of our achievements and to keep ourselves disciplined as developers throughout our military service.
Enlisiting to the Korean Army has provided me with an extremely challenging environment to code. Limited access to electronic devices(around 2-3 hours a day) and computers w/o permission to access the terminal have prevented me from coding freely as I did before. Therefore, my friend, John and I have decided to record our daily coding challenges on github to keep track of our achievements and to have further discussions on the codes that we implemented.
- 문제를 푼 당일날 코드 이름 양식에 맞춰서 올려놓기
- 이름 양식: 문제#-웹사이트이름-문제이름 (ex. 1-프로그래머즈-문자열내림차순으로배치하기)
- 1pt:
- 3pt:
- 5pt:
- Kyu Hwan Choi - since 2021.02.17
- John Kim - since 2021.02.17