The work is in progress, the PPU/CPU and the controllers are finished. I need to add the APU All the documentations that I am using will be provided as soon as the project is finished ;)
I actually have the mapper 001 alone. Therefore, only the roms that use it are accepted. For instance Zelda 1, provided in the assets directory.
- PS: You can go take a look at "http://bootgod.dyndns.org:7777/profile.php?id=173" if you want to check which mapper your rom uses.
$>go get github.com/go-gl/gl/v2.1/gl
$>go get github.com/go-gl/glfw/v3.3/glfw
$>go get github.com/hadi-ilies/MyNesEmulator/src/constant
$>go get github.com/hadi-ilies/MyNesEmulator/src/nes
$>go get github.com/hadi-ilies/MyNesEmulator/src/nes/nescomponents
$>go run src/main.go assets/your_rom.nes
$>go build -o MyNesEmulator src/main.go
$>./MyNesEmulator assets/your_rom.nes
👤 hadi-ilies.bereksi-reguig
- Github: @hadi-ilies
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