This project is a compiler for the FAE language, studied in the cource of programming languages at DCC/uchile, to the MIPS instruction set.
The syntax of the language is a sub-set of the racket syntax. The language implements functions as closures.
<expr> ::= <num> number
| <id> indentifier
| {+ <expr> <expr>} arithmetic addition
| {- <expr> <expr>} arithmetic subtraction
| {fun {<id>} <expr>} function definition
| {<expr> <expr>} function application
The compiler can be used with an instalation of racket by running:
racket FAEC.rkt <input-file> <output-file>
The output file can be loaded into an instance of SPIM (A MIPS simulator:
user@machine spim
(spim) load "<output-file>"
(spim) run
The following example corresponds to an anonymous function, which receives a function "f" and returns a function that applies "f" to its argument "arg". In the example a function which adds one to its argument is passed as "f" and the actual arithmetic argument is 5.
{{{fun {f}
{fun {arg}
{f arg}}}
{fun {x} {+ x 1}}} 5}