By Jay Gupta for NTU Open Source Society
Disclaimer The slides (PDF, Google Slides) and Codes in this repository are only meant to serve as a reference for the attendees of the workshop. It does not cover all the concepts or implementation details discussed during the actual workshop.
When: Friday, 18 September 2020. 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Where: Microsoft Teams (due to COVID-19 safe distancing measures)
Organiser: NTU Open Source Society
Raise your hand at any time with the 'Raise Hand' feature in Microsoft Teams during the workshop or shoot me an e-mail later.
If you find any mistake (typo or anything else), please post an issue! Thanks!
Before you start the workshop, make sure you have these:
- Python 3 installed in your system
- A code editor such as Visual Studio Code
That's all you need!