This is an attempt to collect learning resources on the web. Message, email me additions or even better, submit a PR and I'll merge edits in ;)
- MIT OpenCourseWare
- W3Schools
- Cybrary
- Linux Journey
- LinuxAcademy
- Hacker Rank
- StackOverflow
- Brilliant
- Mozilla Developer
- Mozilla on Github
- Pluralsight
- channel9
- lynda
- dotnetcurry
- codeproject
- Oracle Docs
- Google Developers
- TechDevGuide - With Google
- Microsoft Virtual Academy
- Ruby For Beginners
- cplusplus
- Free Tutorials
- Springboard
- DriveIT
- Software Guild
- FreeCodeCamp
- I'm Programmer
- Codecademy
- tutsplus
- InventWithPython
- AzureOverview
- Ubuntu Developer
- RedHat Developers
- Amazon Developer
- Unity3D Learn
- Martin Fowlers Articles
- Software Architecture Radio
- The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web
- The Ally Project
- Udemy
- LearnStartup
- HackerNoon
- Scotch
- ExploringJS
- TutorialsForCoders
- BitsOfCode
- Adactio
- Pragmatic Studio Tutorials
- Pragmatic Bookshelf
- Packt
- O'Reilly
- Design Systems
- Awwwards:Websites
- LinOxide
- PlayWithDocker
- Gatsby
- DZone
- AISchool
- Google Site Reliability Engineering book
- Javascript January
- SysAdvent
- Ruby Guides
- SubMain Blog
- Upcase by thoughtbot
- PythonTutor
- CodingBat
- ProjectEuler
- Tutpad
- Postgres Guide
- DynamoDB Guide
- Idea To Startup - Resources
- Learn X in Y Minutes
- Obey The Testing Goat
- Trademarks and Symbols
- base DS (Distributed Systems
- base CS (Computer Science)
- Devopedia
- TheNewStack-ebooks
- VSCode-PythonExtension
- dbdiagram
- TheArtOfCommandLine
- LinuxHardeningChecklist
- TheBookOfSecretKnowledge
- ArsenalOfAWSSecurityTools
- codeprep
- AwesomeDesignTools
- AwesomePython
- PublicAPIForPublicAPIs
- Books by FrontEnd Masters
- YourLanguageSucks
- ThoughtBot Books
- Increment
- bash2zsh
- DevIQ
- Test Automation University
- Kubernetes by Example
- AWS Geek
- Software Architecture Patterns
- Design Patterns
- Last Week in AWS
- Hacker-Tools
- Google Engineering Practices Documentation
- Programming Projects for Advanced Beginners
- Programming Idioms
- DevOps-Exercises
- DavidRumsey Map Collection
- TechLadder
- Modern CSS Solutions
- LeetCode
- 97 Things
- FullStackOpen
- FrontendMentor
- PyOhio
- Roots Conf
- RustBeltRust Conf
- Codemash
- StirTrek
- NDC Conferences
- InfoQ Presentations
- Confreaks
- DanNorth&Associates
- Egghead Community Resources
- JSConf