HTML DurationPicker element written in vanilla javascript.
Single html component/widget.
You can customize how the hours/minutes/seconds unit description can look like e.g:
See demo for details
I needed a duration picker html element for my private project. I've searched many projects on github but the most fitting to my needs was this one. I modified/rewrote it for my purposes.
See demo/demo.htm to see how it works.
Main class of this project is not in a javascript 'module' so the the user could test this with simple HTML page and without setting up local web server. If main class was in a module then putting it in html page and trying to load such html page would result in error in browser developer console with error similar to this:
'file:///.../html-duration-picker.js' from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https.