A simple daemon for using NFC events to trigger playing MP3s on a Raspberry PIs.
A simple web-interface is available on http://localhost:8888
This lets you add card-id/mp3 links tells you what is currently playing.
- mplayer (it uses slave mode, so mpv is not ok)
- Some NFC hardware supported by libnfc (I used a ACR122U)
- nfc-eventd
Connect simple push-buttons to PINs 16/18 to get pause/next-track functionality.
Configure nfc-eventd with action like this, on insert:
action = "curl http://localhost:8888/insert/$TAG_UID";
on removal:
action = "curl http://localhost:8888/remove/$TAG_UID";
I used supervisord to start bluebox on startup and keep it running if it should fall over.
A sample config script for supervisord is in supervisor-conf.sample