This repository integrates Gordian with the Cosmos SDK.
Refer to the _docs
for more technical details about how gcosmos works.
Start the example Gordian-backed Cosmos SDK chain with four validators
make testnet-start
In a second terminal, interact with the running chain
Show validator address
VAL_ADDR=$(./gcosmos --home ./test/val1 keys show val --address)
echo $VAL_ADDR
Query bank balance of validator, it has 9000000stake
./gcosmos q bank balance $VAL_ADDR stake
Send 100stake
from the first validator to a new account.
./gcosmos --home ./test/val1 --chain-id gchain-1 tx bank send val cosmos10r39fueph9fq7a6lgswu4zdsg8t3gxlqvvvyvn 100stake
Wait a few seconds for the block to be produced, then confirm the balance in the new account. It now has 100stake
./gcosmos q bank balance cosmos10r39fueph9fq7a6lgswu4zdsg8t3gxlqvvvyvn stake
Shutdown the testnet by pressing Ctrl+C in the first terminal.
Refer to the http*.go
files in the gserver/internal/gsi directory for more details on available HTTP paths.