I’m Romi, a Computer Science student passionate about learning through hands-on experie.
Alongside my studies, I’m enhancing my skills through online courses, focusing on web application development. In the meantime, I’ve shared a few projects here, and I’m excited to continue building and showcasing more soon.
- Completing a series of online courses to deepen my technical skills.
- Developing personal projects that I’ll be publishing soon.
- Participating in the QueenB x AppsFlyer BeSafe Hackathon, where our project will be showcased this week.
Here are some of the projects I’ve worked on so far:
- University Projects: Hands-on assignments from my Computer Science course, including:
- A VM Translator developed as part of the Nand2Tetris course.
- An Assembler for Hack assembly language, translating to binary machine code.
- Hackathon Project:
- A web app to analyze text content for safety and feedback, developed collaboratively with my team. (Coming Soon!)
Feel free to connect with me or explore my work: