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CLI Usage

Radhi edited this page Jul 14, 2019 · 4 revisions

This binding comes with its CLI tools that used to manage profile and building the QML app. Before using it, make sure it has been installed on your system and added to your PATH.

Main Command

The main command can be used by running qamel in terminal :

$ qamel -h
qamel is tools and binding for creating GUI app in Go using Qt + QML

  qamel [command]

Available Commands:
  build       Build QML app
  docker      Build QML app using Docker image
  help        Help about any command
  profile     Manage profiles for QML's binding

  -h, --help   help for qamel

Use "qamel [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Build Command

The build command can be used by running qamel build. As the name implies, it's used to build your QML app.

$ qamel build -h
Build QML app

  qamel build [flags]

      --copy-deps        copy dependencies for app with dynamic linking
  -h, --help             help for build
  -o, --output string    location for executable file
  -p, --profile string   profile that used for building app
      --skip-vendoring   if uses Go module, skip updating project's vendor
  -t, --tags strings     space-separated list of build tags to satisfied during the build

Docker Command

This command is used to build app using existing Docker image. It's useful if you don't want to install or build a specific Qt version in your system. It can be accessed by running qamel docker.

$ qamel docker -h
Build QML app using Docker image.
Possible values are "linux", "linux-static", "win32", "win32-static", "win64" and "win64-static".

  qamel docker [target] [flags]

      --copy-deps        copy dependencies for app with dynamic linking
  -h, --help             help for docker
  -o, --output string    location for executable file
      --skip-vendoring   if uses Go module, skip updating project's vendor
  -t, --tags strings     space-separated list of build tags to satisfied during the build

Profile Command

This command is used to manage the profile for QML's binding, e.g. setting up a new profile, deleting or printing the available profiles. It can be accessed by running qamel profile.

$ qamel profile -h
Manage profiles for QML's binding

  qamel profile [command]

Available Commands:
  delete      Delete an existing profile
  list        List all existing profile
  print       Print data of specified profile
  setup       Set up a new or existing profile

  -h, --help   help for profile

Use "qamel profile [command] --help" for more information about a command.