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Welcome to the Blog of GLUG NITH

The GLUG Logo

This blog uses Pelican Static Site Generator and reStruxturedText. ReStructuredText is a lightweight and powerful markup language very similar to markdown.

Directory Structure

    |_.github       # Workflow Files
    |   |_extras    # static files
    |   |_images    # images for posts and website
    |   |_pages     # static pages
    |   |_posts     # post files (add your post here)
       |_static     # CSS anf font files
       |_templates  # templates for generating webpages

Contribution Guidelines

Adding a new Post

  1. Fork this repository and clone to your system
    git clone<username>/
  1. Go to content/posts folder and choose a category to start with. We currently have 4 categories. Feel free to open an issue to recommend new category.
Category Description
development web/app/desktop development articles
programming programming language tips & tricks, competitive programming articles
tools IDE, editors, other open source development tools articles
experience interview, internship, placement experience articles
    # let us choose development category
    cd development
  1. Add a new reStructuredText file. Check for exisiting file names.
    nano mypost.rst
  1. Your file must contain these components in the following format. Put all images in images directory only.
    Your Post Title Surrounded by Asterisks Above and Below

    :date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm
    :modified: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm (only if existing article is being modified)
    :tags: add, some, tags, here, seperated, by, commas
    :slug: yourfilename-YYYYMMDD
    :category: category-selected-in-previous-steps
    :author: github-username

    <write your post here>
  1. Save and push to GitHub
    git stage -A
    git commit -m "commit message"
    git push origin master


  1. Fork this repository and clone to your system
    git clone<username>/
  1. This blog is based on Pelican SSG. Install required components.
    sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Do your changes and test locally (comment SITEURL in
    make html # generate html files
    make serve # serve on local host
  1. Push and add a Pull Request (do not forget to un-comment SITEURL)
