A mostly reasonable approach to CSS Based on the excellent work done by Richard Powell here
Selectors that contain elements tightly coupled the CSS to specific markup. It is not a safe assumption that the semantics of the content will never change so authors should prefer classes which exist independent of markup and create more flexible CSS.
Source: SMACSS on modules
A location based selector is a selector that changes a modules appearance based on its location (content area, side bar, header etc). Where a module has different appearances it is better to use a module subclass. If the appearance and/or content is very different it would be better to use a different module
Source: OOCSS, slide 20
It is never safe to assume there will only ever be one of something on a page so do not use ID's for CSS. Id's are much better used as javascript hooks so use them for this instead.
Source: SMACSS on layout
Inline styles added by javascript are harder to update and maintain, prefer to add classes using javascript. CSS3 transitions can then handle any animations and if CSS3 transitions are not supported the state will still be updated.
Source: SMACSS on state
Long complex selector chains spawn specificity wars and are slower for the browser to evaluate. Its unlikely you need to use a selector more than 4 levels deep. If it is, consider adding additional classes to the markup to enable a shorter selector length.
Utilise a preprocessors features such as mixins, variables, nested rules and functions to make code easier to maintain but always double check compiled stylesheets to avoid code bloat. Preprocessors, when used inefficiently, can cause code bloat.
Source: SMACSS on preprocessors (members only)
HTTP Requests are expensive and slow the rendering of a page, so minimise them. Ideally a HTML page should contain just one CSS file with extra CSS being loaded as the page changes.
Minifying code can save up to 60% on a files size. Use a tool like YUI Compressor or Grunt CSS Min together with build tools such as Grunt or Maven to manage this and it's easy-peasy.
Source: Google Page Speed on Minifying CSS
Using a CSS Linter will make obvious whenever a rule is not matching the coding standard and best practices. It will make developers know something is wrong even before looking at it in the browser. When using Sublime Text a great solution is to use SublimeLinter, there are other options for other IDEs and it can also be used online via http://csslint.net/
CSS Architecture is more difficult to do well than it is difficult to understand CSS Properties. Reading long lines of CSS code makes it difficult to understand the properties of the rule. This, together with the correct ordering of the CSS properties make it really easy to understand a rule as first sight.
Source: SMACSS on formatting
CSS properties do not use underscores or camel case, they use dashes. Do the same with classes
- Use soft-tabs with a two space indent.
- Put spaces after
in property declarations. - Put spaces before
in rule declarations. - Use hex color codes #000 unless using rgba.
Syntax example:
.styleguide-format {
border: 1px solid #0F0;
color: #000;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
.your-class {
border: 1px solid #0F0;
/* BAD */
.my-class { border: 1px solid #0F0; color: #F00; margin-top: 20px; }
/* GOOD */
.my-class {
border: 1px solid #0F0;
color: #F00;
margin-top: 20px;
E.g. .demo-image
not .demoImage
or .demo_image
/* BAD */
.my-class {
border: 1px solid #0F0;
color: #F00
/* GOOD */
.my-class {
border: 1px solid #0F0;
color: #F00;
When using prefixed properties ensure that Microsoft, Opera, Webkit and Mozilla prefixes are supported and that the non prefixed version is too. Make this less painful by abstracting it away into a preprocessor mixin.
Aim to avoid separate styles for internet explorer, but where unavoidable do not use conditional stylesheets or CSS hacks to target specific versions of IE. Instead use conditional classes as explained by Paul Irish.
Source: Conditional stylesheets vs CSS hacks…
Aim to avoid separate styles for internet explorer, but where unavoidable place the "fixes" next to the style it effects. Not doing so makes it easy to miss when updating to changing the original styles
A global reset is a convenient way of ensuring consistent styling cross browser but it is often overkill and it makes CSS harder to debug in developer tools.
Source: Normalise.css
When normalising it is important to not add styles to elements that then need to be overridden in future modules. Tables and form elements are great examples of this.
Source: SMACSS on drop the base
Splitting CSS into multiple files in a constant way makes it easier to find the CSS you are looking for.
It sucks to have to search through 1000+ lines of code, so avoid it. This rule may mean having to split the CSS module file into multiple files. When doing this make sure to only serve one file to the user.
Always order your properties grouping by categories. Box properties (Position, layout, display), box borders, background properties, text properties (font size, family, weight, etc), and so on.
Source: SMACSS on formatting
A Module defines the appearance and positing of its elements, nothing else. If a module were to define a specific width then it would not be flexible enough to be included in multiple locations of different dimensions.
Source: SMACSS on layout
If a module needs to be contained do so using another class or a wrapper. Modules need to be flexible, forcing their dimensions is not being flexible.
At the start of a module a comment should provide a picture of what content it contains, how that content looks and anything that is unusual about it. Ideally it should also provide a link to an example of the module in a HTML file.
Friends don't let friends write modules that may bleed into other modules or can only be used in a limited number of places. Time spent upfront avoiding these two problems will save that time 10 fold later in the project.
It should be possible to look at a modules class and instantly have an idea what that module represents. Do not provide a detailed description in the class name, just an overview. A detailed description belongs in a comment at the top of the module CSS.
Adding the modules name to the start of all its classes ensures that if a module sits inside another module, the parent's styles will not bleed into the child's styles. It also makes scanning the HTML easier as it is immediately clear which classes belong to which modules.
Preprocessors provide an opportunity to make it crystal clear where a modules rules start and end. Use that opportunity but be sure not to nest nested selectors inside other nested selectors. This would produce large selector chains, which are a bad idea.
Consistently architecting modules in this way makes it easy to scan the module and get a good overview of it. Being inconsistent is likely to lead to mistakes and oversights when the module is edited at a later date.
A module subclass will make changes to a module that might be major in appearance but should be minor in terms of the amount of styles it is changing. A module subclass should not be used if the module subclass would need to overuse many styles and make it unrecognisable from its module. If a module is subclassed its wrapper will need the class for the module and for the subclass of that module.
Source: SMACSS on modules
The double dash makes it clear that this class represents a subclass and which module the subclass is affecting. The wrapper for this module will need the module class and the subclass module.
A state class ( e.g: .is-active, .is-empty ) is similar to a pseudo class in that it updates the appearance of an element. Where it differs is that a state class will be added by javascript or the app when the page loads. Adding is- to the start of the class clearly indicates that this module has been affected by a state class.
Source: SMACSS on state
!important should be avoided as much as possible, as such state classes are the only acceptable use of important. Even so !important should not be the go to solution as its akin to using a grenade when careful diplomacy would suffice.
Source: SMACSS on state
By styling icons independently of the module where it was first used you are making an icon that can be used in future modules without the need for duplication of code.
If two modules are very similar with only barely noticeable changes to stuff like the shadow, padding and colours combine them into one. The user will never know the difference and chances are this is a mistake introduced before the development stage.
Source: OOCSS, slide 39
Specifying that something is an icon, its size and its image separately allows for maximum flexibility and minimal code repetition
Source: SMACSS on Icons
Sprite images are an important way to reduce HTTP requests but they can be cumbersome to manage when an interface is in its infancy. Do not over optimise too early. Wait until the project is ready to deploy and make time for sprite sheet optimisation then.
If you add a sprite image to the background of an element that has text what happens when that element receives more text and expands? It will happen and you'll feel silly, so avoid the pain and add icons to empty elements even though that means more markup.
Adding icons to elements that have their text hidden out of bounds is also a good approach.
Source: SMACSS on Icons