- Clone down with
git clone https://github.com/josh-works/corkboard.git
- Navigate to the project directory with
cd corkboard
- Run
- Run
rake db:{create,migrate,seed}
to get set up - To view locally,
rails s
, or pop it open in your fav editor
If you'd like to see the schema:
- Open and copy the contents of SchemaXML.txt
- Save/Load, paste the contents, and "Load XML" at http://ondras.zarovi.cz/sql/demo/
A few notes on the project:
The Pro model is a single table inheritance from the User.
Pro_Services exists to mark the difference between a user type of Pro and a user type of Requester (referred to a user).
In Pro_Services there is a SET data type in the schema diagram (array w/integer in the DB). This is a non-indexed, unique value only array type that we are using to store an array of the service id's that are essentially tags noting what services that professional provides.
Update application.yml with your own:
- Twilio
- Amazon AWS
This app is tested with RSpec and Capybara
"api/v1/projects/most_bid_project" This allows an authenticated request to view the project that has the highest number of bids associated with it. It returns the description of the most bid upon project, the service being performed, and the number of bids associated with it, and project's ID. { "id": null, "description": "i am 43 years old", "name": "Banjo Lessons", "project_id": 44, "count": 18}
"api/v1/projects/most_requested_project" This allows an authenticated request to view the project that has been requested the most times. It returns the service being performed, that service's ID and the number of times that it has been requested. { "id": null, "service_id": 233, "name": "Hip Hop Dance Lessons", "count": 5}
"api/v1/autocomplete" Returns a JSON formatted list of Services and Categories, and their URLs.