David Glasser
[email protected]
Union College
Schenectady, NY
This program reads events from the Slate calendar and syncs them to a Google calendar.
- Google API Credentials (https://console.developers.google.com/apis/)
- Python 3.6.x
- pip (Python package manager)
- Python modules:
- httplib2
- pytz
- urllib3
- google-api-python-client
- oauth2client
- requests
Clone this repository. The most recent stable tag is 1.6.4. It is highly recommended that you clone using this tag. Development commits are stored in the master branch, using the latest commit from this branch is at your own risk. After you clone the repository you can get to a specific release with these commands:
git fetch --all --tags --prune git checkout tags/1.6.4
Create a query in Slate that will feed your calendar events. You should use the configurable join form query base.
Web Service Settings
- Use the "Edit Web Service" function to turn the query into a web service
- Service Type = JSON
- Parameter:
<param id="calendar" type="varchar" />
- Set a username and complex password
Exports (names must match exactly):
- Type
- Title
- Start (Default Format)
- End (Default Format)
- Timezone Offset (Subquery export with Form Street, Form City, Form Region)
- Location
- LocationKey
- Address
- Description (Notes field)
- Attendees (Join Form Response - Registration Status in Attended or Registered)
- Interviewee (Join Form Response and Person - Export First and Last Name. Filter on type = Interview and Registration Status in Attended or Registered)
- Type: Event, Interview
- Start Date: Today - 15 (This should roughly correspond to the NumberOfPriorDays variable in config.ini)
- Status: Active/Confirmed
- Use custom SQL to join user email to @calendar
- Join Users to Forms
Make a query in Slate using the custom SQL query base. This query will pull your stop data. Sample SQL is provided below. As of October 2019 stop data is not available through a CJ query base.
SELECT ts.[id] AS 'GUID' ,'Stop' AS 'Type' ,ts.[name] AS [Title] ,format(try_convert(datetime, ts.[dtstart]),'s') AS 'Start' ,format(try_convert(datetime, ts.[dtend]),'s') AS 'End' ,ts.[timezone_offset] as 'Timezone Offset' ,ts.[location] as 'Location' ,char(10) + isnull(ts.[street] + char(10),'') + isnull(ts.[city] + char(10),'') + isnull(ts.[region],'') AS 'Address' ,convert(nvarchar(max), ts.[notes].query('//text()')) as [Description] , '' AS 'Attendees' FROM [trip.stop] ts LEFT OUTER JOIN [trip] t ON ts.[trip] = t.[id] LEFT OUTER JOIN [user] u ON t.[user] = u.[id] WHERE u.[email] = @calendar AND (convert(date, ts.[dtstart]) >= dateadd(day, -15, convert(date, getdate())))
Make a copy of
and name itconfig.ini
. Populate this file with values for your enviornment. -
Download Google API Secret and save in same directory as
. File name should beclient_secret.json
To run the program:
python slatesync.py
Ideally this should be set up as a service on a server.
To set up a new calendar you need to browse to https://yourserveraddress/sync and follow the prompts.
A list of currently synced calendars can be found at https://yourserveraddress/calendarlist
Most interactions will be through the web interface. However there are some command line options that are available:
To print a list of available commands:
python slatesync.py -h
To delete a calendar that is currently being synced:
python slatesync.py -d email_address
- None
Please send bugs and feature requests to [email protected]. There is no guarantee your need will be addressed, but I will consider all requests.