ChainId 97
Go to
to get 1 test BNB
Just create a db.json in your repo. See
The api endopoints will be inserted in 2_deploy.js
I'm going to use these images:
"Black Drongo 烏秋" by spongebabyalwaysfull is marked with CC0 1.0
"Black Drongo 烏秋" by spongebabyalwaysfull is marked with CC0 1.0
"Spangled Drongo (Dicrurus bracteatus)" by magdalena_b is marked with CC0 1.0
"Spangled Drongo (Dicrurus bracteatus)" by magdalena_b is marked with CC0 1.0
$ mkdir bsc-nft && cd bsc-nft
$ npm init -y
$ npm i --save-dev @openzeppelin/contracts
$ npm i truffle
$ npm i pify
$ npm i @truffle/hdwallet-provider
npx truffle init
Copy the contract preset
$ mkdir -p build/contracts/
$ cp node_modules/@openzeppelin/contracts/build/contracts/* build/contracts/
Create 2_deploy.js
inside migration
folder and modify truffle-config.js
inside the root folder (see files to copy)
Create a new .secret
file in root directory and enter your 12 word mnemonic seed phrase to get started.
Don't share your mnemonic!!!
let's migrate to a local node before to deploy into the testnet
npx truffle develop
truffle(develop)> migrate
Let's interact! Check if it is all right!
truffle(develop)> nft = await ERC721PresetMinterPauserAutoId.deployed()
truffle(develop)> await
truffle(develop)> await nft.symbol()
truffle(develop)> await nft.baseURI() --> does not work with open-zeppelin >3.X
truffle(develop)> await"addr appeared when truffle deployed...")
Check owner and URI
truffle(develop)> await nft.ownerOf(0)
truffle(develop)> await nft.tokenURI(0)
and .secret
are already set.
Had error using http for testnet, changed in wss.
So let's deploy to testnet
npx truffle console --network testnet
migrate (I had to try more than once)
nft = await ERC721PresetMinterPauserAutoId.deployed()
accounts (there sould be the one you use with the mnemonic provided)
await"account address owner")
Repeat last instruction foreach NFT.
ChainId 97
Import the wallet.
Just retrieve contract address with nft.address
and put it in the form.
The ID is the one specified in the API defifinition.