This is an hand-drawn animation program made as personal project. The main technologies are C++, Qt5 and OpenGL 4.5, no other libraries have been used.
- Basic animation: A scrub-capable timeline, a play/pause button for reproduction @ 24fps and onion skinning allow for basic animation crafting.
- Tablet support: Drawing tablets with pen pressure sensitivity are fully supported.
- Smooth strokes: Each stroke is smoothened through 3rd grade hermite interpolation using tesselation on the GPU.
This is a personal and educational project. I will probably neither implement nor fix what is listed here.
- Basic functionalities are lacking: No save capabilities, upper and lower bounds of the animation are fixed, no undo and the only way to create a new animation is to restart the program.
- Not tested: It works fine on my system (Linux, Readeon GPU) but I know for sure it has problems on non Radeon GPUs. Also it has been tested on Windows but the tablet may act strangely sometimes due to Windows Ink Workspace.