This is the working document for the Entire CHIF Manager Project
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Node.js (
- NPM (
is the Static Client in React
is the API in Express
clone the repo to your machine and run the following commands:
npm install
npm install
- Reach out to a team member for the .env files for the client and the server, place them in their respective dir's
- Obtain the ssl certs for gcp sql connection and place them in
npm start
Depending on the
file configuration you can connect to a local database or the gcp test database. -
if you wish to connect to a local database you must download and install pgAmdin
Once you set up your pgadmin and root user, create a postgres user name
. This will be your local database user for this project. -
Modify the .env file variables:
NODE_ENV=localhost TEST_TYPE=local
, NODE_ENV controls the local connection for the server and TEST_TYPE controls the connection for the automated testing. -
Create the local database by running
npm run initialize-database
Lastly run
npm run dev
and your local server will be running on port 3001. -
To start the automated testing file run
npm run test
. -
If you wish to run the server/test using the google test sql instance modify the .env file variables:
NODE_ENV=developement TEST_TYPE=gcp_test
Client can be accessed from http://localhost:3000/ or http://localhost:3001/
Server can be accessed from http://localhost:3001/api/
The client is served from the api as a static file during production
on port 3001
, use port 3000
for local developement
Provides Authorization/Authentication Service
Production Account Email: [email protected]
Provides Mailer Service
Production Account Email: [email protected]
id uuid,
user_name text,
phone text,
name text,
gender char, (m/f/o)
email text,
dob date,
create_date date,
update_date date
id uuid DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() primary key,
organization_name text not null,
organization_code text not null,
payment_account_id text,
payment_subscription_id text,
chif_directory text,
address_1 text,
city_1 text,
state_1 text,
zip_1 text,
country_1 text,
address_2 text,
city_2 text,
state_2 text,
zip_2 text,
country_2 text,
create_date date,
update_date date
Directories and file asscoiation with the organization
id uuid DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() primary key,
org_id text not null, -- (files/dirs)
file_uuid uuid, -- (files)
item_name text, -- (files/dirs) root directory name = 'root'
mediaLink text, -- (files)
file_size text, -- (files)
timeCreated text, -- (files/dirs)
parent_id uuid, -- parent directory id (files/dirs) "root" = NULL
item_type text -- (directory/file)
File uuids associated with the organization
id uuid DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() primary key,
org_id text not null,
uuid_value uuid
Relationship between users and organizations
id uuid,
user_id uuid,
org_id uuid,
user_type text, ("admin"/"user") (admin/user)
is_owner bit, (0/1) (not owner/owner)
is_approved bit, (0/1) (waiting/approved)
create_date date,
update_date date
Internal Authorization Session Token
token text,
email text,
create_date timestamp
External API Authorization Session Token
token text,
token_name text,
org_id uuid,
user_id uuid,
create_date timestamp,
expiration_date timestamp + '1 year'
internal queue task overlaying pg-boss queue
id uuid,
org_id uuid,
job_id uuid,
job_name text,
queue_status text,
job_data jsonb,
response jsonb,
retry_limit int,
retry_count int,
create_date timestamp
drop schema if exists chear;
create schema chear;
set search_path=chear;
DROP TABLE if exists chear.organizations cascade;
CREATE TABLE chear.organizations
id uuid DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() primary key,
organization_name text not null,
organization_code text not null,
payment_account_id text,
payment_subscription_id text,
chif_directory text,
address_1 text,
city_1 text,
state_1 text,
zip_1 text,
country_1 text,
address_2 text,
city_2 text,
state_2 text,
zip_2 text,
country_2 text,
create_date date,
update_date date
create unique index "UniqueOrgName" on chear.organizations(organization_name);
create unique index "UniqueOrgCode" on chear.organizations(organization_code);
DROP TABLE if exists chear.file_structure cascade;
CREATE TABLE chear.file_structure
id uuid DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() primary key,
org_id text not null,
file_uuid uuid,
item_name text,
mediaLink text,
file_size text,
timeCreated text,
parent_id uuid,
item_type text
DROP TABLE if exists chear.uuids cascade;
CREATE TABLE chear.uuids
id uuid DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() primary key,
org_id text not null,
uuid_value uuid
DROP TABLE if exists chear.users cascade;
CREATE TABLE chear.users
id uuid DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() primary key,
user_name text,
phone text,
name text,
gender char(1),
email text not null,
dob date,
create_date date,
update_date date
create unique index "UniqueEmail" on chear.users(email);
create unique index "UniqueUserName" on chear.users(user_name);
DROP TABLE if exists chear.user_org_rel cascade;
CREATE TABLE chear.user_org_rel
id uuid DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() primary key,
user_id uuid REFERENCES chear.users(id),
org_id uuid REFERENCES chear.organizations(id),
user_type text,
is_owner bit(1),
is_approved bit(1),
create_date date,
update_date date
create unique index user_org_rel_idx1 on chear.user_org_rel(org_id,user_id);
CREATE TABLE chear.external_session_token
token text primary key,
token_name text,
org_id uuid,
user_id uuid,
CREATE TABLE chear.auth_user_token
token text primary key,
email text,
CREATE TABLE chear.queue_tasks
id uuid DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() primary key,
org_id uuid,
job_id uuid,
job_name text,
queue_status text,
job_data jsonb,
response jsonb,
retry_limit int,
retry_count int,
External API Production ENDPOINTS (prod):
Prod Domain -
Method | Endpoint | Description | Body |
GET | /* |
Serve Static Client. | null |
Method | Endpoint | Description | Body |
GET | /api/users/user_id/:id |
Returns a single user via user id. | null |
GET | /api/users/user_email/:email |
Returns a single user via user email. | null |
PUT | /api/users/:id |
Updates a single user via user id. | { user_name: TEXT, phone: TEXT, name: TEXT, gender: CHARACTER, dob: DATE, organization_code: TEXT } |
POST | /api/users |
Post a new user. | { email: TEXT } |
Method | Endpoint | Description | Body |
GET | /api/user-org-rel/user_id/:user_id |
Returns all Relations via user id. | null |
GET | /api/user-org-rel/user_id/:user_id/org_id/:org_id |
Returns all Relations via org id and user id. | null |
GET | /api/user-org-rel/list/org_id/:org_id |
Returns all Relations via org id. | null |
POST | /api/user-org-rel |
Post a new Relation. | { user_id bigint, org_id bigint , user_type text, is_owner bit, is_approved bit } |
PUT | /api/user-org-rel/user_id/:user_id/org_id/:org_id |
Updates a single user via user id and org id. | { user_type text, is_owner bit, is_approved bit } |
DELETE | /api/user-org-rel/user_id/:user_id/org_id/:org_id |
Delete a single user via user id and org id. | null |
Method | Endpoint | Description | Body |
GET | /api/organizations/org_id/:org_id |
Returns Org via org id. | null |
GET | /api/organizations/drop/user_id/:user_id |
Returns all Orgs via user id. | null |
POST | /api/organizations |
Post a new Org. | { organization_name text, organization_code text, chif_directory text, file_structure text, address_1 text, city_1 text, state_1 text, zip_1 text, country_1 text, address_2 text, city_2 text, state_2 text, zip_2 text, country_2 text } |
PUT | /api/organizations/:id/user/:user_id |
Updates a single org via user id and org id. | { organization_name text, organization_code text, chif_directory text, file_structure text, address_1 text, city_1 text, state_1 text, zip_1 text, country_1 text, address_2 text, city_2 text, state_2 text, zip_2 text, country_2 text, payment_account_id text } |
PUT | /api/organizations/file_structure/org_id/:org_id/user/:user_id |
Update File Structure. | { varies } |
Method | Endpoint | Description | Body |
POST | /api/mail |
Send mail Invite. | { sender: email, receiver: email, org_name: string, org_code: string, user_name: string } |
Method | Endpoint | Description | Body |
POST | /api/files/upload_chif |
Upload Existing File. | form-data: {CHIF_FILE: file.chif } params: { org_dir, file_path, user_id, org_id } |
POST | /api/files/temp_file/build/:org_dir |
build and send location temp file for preview. | form-data: { imageFileName: file.jpeg, audioFileName: file.mp3, textFileName: file.txt, } |
POST | /api/files/perm_file/build/:org_dir |
build permanent file and store in gcp. | form-data: { imageFileName: 'Local Image File', audioFileName: 'Local Audio File', textFileName: 'Local Text File', uploadedCHIFFileNAME: 'File Name',tags: 'Stringified JSON Array',author: 'string',valid_domains: 'Stringified JSON Array',alt: 'string',user: 'Stringified JSON Object (User Defined)',valid_range_start: 'Date Formate (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)',valid_range_end: 'Date Formate (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)' } |
GET | /api/files/GET_CHIF/dir/:org_dir/file/:file_name |
Returns a single file associated with organization directory in gcp. | null |
POST | /api/files/get_files/:ids |
Check Job Queue for job Completion/Failure (ids is a comma seperated list of ids to check will receive a list of jobs) | null |
POST | /api/files/ORG_DIR |
post new org buckets to Google Cloud Storage | { org_dir: text } |
GET | /api/files/GET_CHIF/dir/:org_dir/file/:file_name |
Returns a single file associated with organization directory in gcp. | null |
GET | /api/files/CHIF/metadata/:org_dir/:file_name |
Returns all file metadata. | null |
DELETE | /api/files/delete_chif |
Delete a single permanent file in gcp bucket. | query params: { org_dir, file_name, file_path, org_id, user_id } |
GET | /api/files/file_events/:uuid/:name:/:org_id |
Returns events associated with file. | null |
GET | /api/files/exception_file/:uuid/:org_id |
Returns exceptions for CHIF File. | null |
POST | /api/files/block_file/:uuid/:org_id |
Blocks Chif File. | { code: text, reason: text, } |
DELETE | /api/files/unblock_file/:uuid/:org_id |
Un Blocks Chif File. | null |
GET | /api/files/read_tmp |
Returns tmp directory contents and total content size | null |
DELETE | /api/files/delete_tmp |
Deletes tmp directory contents and returns tmp directory contents and total content size | null |
Method | Endpoint | Description | Body |
GET | /api/payment-processor/get_products |
Returns all associated products. (more for internal use) | null |
GET | /api/payment-processor/get_all/:id |
Returns account information per account id for multiple accounts. | null |
GET | /api/payment-processor/subscription_id/:id |
Returns single subscription by subscription id. | null |
GET | /api/payment-processor/account_id/:act_id/uncancel_subscription/:id |
Re Activate subscription prior to deactivation. | null |
POST | /api/payment-processor/update_subscription |
Update Subscription. | { subscription_id: text, product_path: text, account_id: text } |
POST | /api/payment-processor/create_subscription |
Create Subscription. | { account_id: text, product_path: text, org_id: text } |
DELETE | /api/payment-processor/account_id/:act_id/subscription_id/:id |
Cancel Subscription. | null |