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Bridge application to consume events from upstream systems, process the events and write to downstream systems


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  • Application to read from an upstream source (Kafka / RabbitMQ) and then provide processing capabilities to the user and write to a downstream source (Kafka / MySQL / SQL Server / Elastic)
  • The processing part is left to the user which can be done at a case-by-case basis
  • This provides a platform where the heavylifting of consumption and production can be handled by the codebase in a modular fashion, while the user can focus on the main code which would process the message.

Basic Functionalities:

  1. Connect to Messaging Queue:

    • Establish connections to one or more messaging queues.
    • Support for popular messaging protocols such as AMQP, Kafka, etc.
  2. Consume Messages:

    • Listen for incoming messages from the subscribed queue(s).
    • Handle message consumption in a concurrent and efficient manner.
  3. Logging and Monitoring:

    • Logging of important events, errors, and informational messages.
  4. Data Persistence:

    • Write processed data to a downstream datastore (e.g., database, cache, file system, messaging queues).
    • Ensure data integrity and reliability during the persistence process.
  5. Concurrency Management:

    • Efficiently handle concurrent message processing using goroutines and channels.
  6. Configuration:

    • Allow configuration through configuration files and command-line arguments.
  7. Graceful Shutdown:

    • Enable graceful shutdown procedures to ensure clean termination of the application.

Running the code

Execute the following steps to run the code:

  1. cd to the root directory.
  2. Update the config/ directory in internal/ directory with the right configurations for your application.
  3. Run go build .
  4. Run go run main.go -upstreamApp=valueX -downstreamApp=valueY and replace valueX and valueY with the appropriate values.

Kafka Upstream and Downstream Run steps

  1. Download Kafka:

    • Go to the Kafka website and download the latest stable release.
  2. Extract and Navigate:

    • Extract the downloaded Kafka archive and navigate to the Kafka directory.
  3. Start Zookeeper, kafka, and create topics:

    • Start Zookeeper server:
      bin/ config/
    • Start Kafka server:
      bin/ config/
    • Create test topics:
      bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic topic1
      bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic topic2
  4. Send and Listen Messages:

    • Send a message to topic1:
      bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic topic1
      > Hello, Kafka!
    • Listen for messages on topic2:
      bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic topic2 --from-beginning
  5. Run the Go code:

    • Update the kafka_consumer.json and kafka_producer.json with your topic and server details. Use the below command to run the code:
      go run main.go -upstreamApp=kafka -downstreamApp=kafka
  6. Verify:

    • Verify that the message is consumed from topic1 and produced to topic2.


Bridge application to consume events from upstream systems, process the events and write to downstream systems







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