Excersize Todo app created with React Native for Web and stores data on Firebase Firestore.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
- Node v11.1.0
- npm 6.14.3
Since this app stores data on Firebase Firestore, you need to prepare your firebase project.
- Go to Firebase Console
- Create a new project
- Activate Web app, copy your firebase configs like apiKye, authDomain, etc. into .env file
- Activate Cloud Firestore in Database section, enable it as development mode (Make sure you should take care of rules late since it is unsecure.
Just type the command $ npm start
in your console so that it navigates browser to http://localhost:3000/
If you want to deploy app to your Firebase Hosting, you can use Firebase CLI.
$ npm run build
$ firebase init
- set up for `Hosting`
- Use existing project you created above
- Use `build` as public directory
- Configure as a sing-page app
- Do not override index.html
$ firebase deploy --only hosting