See: hazelcast/hazelcast-tomcat-sessionmanager#42
This repo reproduces the issue linked above using:
- an nginx docker container running as a round-robin load balancer
- three basic tomcat instances upstream from the nginx instance, configured to use the hazelcast-tomcat-sessionmanager
- basic gatling tests executing concurrent requests to simulate concurrent ajax requests and reproduce the issue.
- Maven 3+
- Docker and docker-compose (i.e.
mkdir -p cluster/lib
curl > cluster/lib/hazelcast-tomcat85-sessionmanager-1.1.4.jar
curl > cluster/lib/hazelcast-all-3.9.1.jar
mvn clean package
docker-compose up
In a different terminal window:
cd gatling-test
mvn gatling:execute
The location of the gatling reports will be printed to the terminal at the end of execution
The results can be viewed in the gatling report.
Further the following message (apart from the session id) can be seen in the docker-compose logs.
tomcatTwo_1 | INFO: No Session found for:1857EF2BEE65A74635C23BDC98E78B11