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Monorepo project for the polyfill Node.js browser platform: brode 🤜 🤛

Test Status JavaScript Style Guide standard-readme compliant

Made by GEUT


In Geut we are constantly creating Node.js modules with browser support and when is time to test one of those modules we have to think:

How I'm going to test a JavaScript module in Chrome/Firefox?

That's why we created brode.

In summary, brode is a command-line tool that allows you to run JavaScript files in the browser on top of a Node.js polyfill environment.


Take a look at this example, here we are testing some code that will run on firefox:

// index.js
process.stdout.write('hello world')
$ node index.js
$ hello world
$ brode index.js --target firefox
$ hello world

brode index.js --target firefox

brode is doing the following for you:

  1. Compiles the index.js with esbuild.
  2. Adds polyfills for every Node.js core module/globals.
  3. Runs the build with playwright.

With brode you can use test runners like uvu to test your modules in Node.js and browsers.

Quick, small and easy. 🤜 🤛


  • brode: Command-line tool and API for the polyfill Node.js browser platform.
  • brout: Command-line tool and API to log the output of JavaScript files using playwright.
  • browser-node-core: Core Node modules for the browser.
  • esbuild-plugin-brode: A esbuild plugin to add web polyfills to support node core modules and globals.
  • esbuild-plugin-server: A esbuild plugin to run a dev server.


🐛 If you found an issue we encourage you to report it on github. Please specify your OS and the actions to reproduce it.


👥 Ideas and contributions to the project are welcome. You must follow this guideline.


MIT © A GEUT project