A library to interact with genesiscloud
Install via pip from PyPI.
pip install py-genesiscloud
Before you can start using the client create a Genesis Cloud API key (requires a Genesis Cloud account).
Initialize the client:
>>> from genesiscloud.client import Client
>>> client = Client("yourapikey")
List available SSH keys:
>>> [i for i in c.SSHKeys.find({"name":"oz123"})]
[SSHKey({'id': '848a6631-486a-4992-8a40-5a9027415d02', 'name': 'oz123', 'public_key': 'ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIj3+Q0uK0lVNqYrqUUFMBajoUtFcLPHES2Xk0x8BvlV', 'created_at': '2020-05-21T17:39:10.621Z'})]
List all images which can be used to create an instance:
>>> [i for i in client.Images.find({"type": 'base-os'})]
[Image({'id': '45d06539-f8f5-48d9-816e-d4b1a8e5163e', 'name': 'Ubuntu 18.04', 'type': 'base-os', 'created_at': '2020-03-24T18:14:01.223Z'}),
Image({'id': '6d5c3613-f6cb-48e1-8711-14f084060209', 'name': 'Ubuntu 16.04', 'type': 'base-os', 'created_at': '2020-03-24T18:14:01.219Z'})]
Create an instance
>>> client.Instances.create(name='test-oz', hostname='hostname',
"metadata"={"startup_script":"#!/bin/bash\nsudo apt update && sudo apt install iperf3"}
Accessing attributes of an Instance:
>>> inst = [i for i in client.Instances.list()][0]
>>> inst.security_groups[0]
SecurityGroup({'id': '2472c0bb-1fa9-4dcc-a658-4268e78ad907', 'name': 'default'})
>>> inst.security_groups
[SecurityGroup({'id': '2472c0bb-1fa9-4dcc-a658-4268e78ad907', 'name': 'default'}),
SecurityGroup({'id': 'd3040f01-3b12-4712-9e8e-8ecb1ae7ba04', 'name': 'standard'}),
SecurityGroup({'id': '56370632-ceeb-4357-a5d3-f2c3acf9d69e', 'name': 'Folding@home'})]
>>> inst.ssh_keys
[SSHKey({'id': '848a6631-486a-4992-8a40-5a9027415d02', 'name': 'oz123')]
>>> inst.image
Image({'id': '3c5f9b6f-2f4b-4067-ba50-925be9e6afb1', 'name': 'Ubuntu 18.04'})
First, make sure you have pipenv installed.
Run pipenv shell
and then pipenv install
Write your tests, add your features, test your features with make test
git commit
and git push
Make a PR!