This is an example plugin for using the dynamic node generation capabilities of the GenericKNIMENodes base plugin ( You should:
- import this into your KNIME SDK,
- change the names and descriptions in/of the sources and configuration
files (plugin.xml, META-INF/MANIFEST.MF)
- plugin.xml:
- You need to set the name of the factory-class in the the nodeset extension point
- You need to add all filetypes that your executables are able to consume to the filehandling.mimetypes extension point.
- You can add subcategories and icons for it in the repository.categories extension point.
- You can add more extension points that your plugin will use (usually only needed if you have own additional Java sources in the plugin.
- MANIFEST.MF: See META-INF subfolder.for instructions
- plugin.xml:
- put your executables, descriptions and dependencies in the subfolders of your payload folder (for everything about descriptions of tools with CTD, see here
- build and test in a KNIME Instance started in the SDK (see KNIME developer guide)
- (export as a plugin or create an update site)
Please have a look in the subfolders for further instructions.
TODO describe and add files for the support for "Eclipse fragments" for cross-platform executables.