Business Intelligence Bot
BiBOT is a chat bot able to help you analize your data. Talk BiBOT about how are going sales and get back all the information in an comprehesive chart.
Easy drill dow/up, just say "by providers" or "what about this TravelAgency" to filter.
BiBOT is build up in layers: chat, data and presentation
Interactuates with the user. This layer is responsible to make BiBOT available on multiple platforms:
- Rocketchat
- Slack
- Telegram
This layer is responsible on convert user queries in data. Initially will be using NLP to SQL to return a JSON object with:
- Query executed
- BOT explanation of the query. (e.g. returnin sales by agent) This will help when mismatching
- Data (cvs)
Using D3 library to build a fancy chart
Render as image on server side (kind of